Saturday, 11 October 2014

Mars : Home to the Extraterrestrial ?

Mars is the, the 4th planet from the sun,second smallest planet in the solar system and the world's largest volcano is situated here (Olympus Mon).It had an magnetosphere (it's  atmosphere) but lost it 4 billion years before .

We all know a lot about Mars , but there are some mysteries which is due to be exposed. today I would unravel few of them.

It is believed that few life forms live on the red planet known as "Martians." Some scientists believe we too are martians, he claimed that an asteroid possibly has brought life on Earth (click here for more info on the above topic). But the topic is how did martians vanished , did a meteor wash them away or some sort of attack from another planet ? Let's see the main cause of vanishing of the martians.

 Long back ago , the roman mentioned in their inscription that they have saw a very bright light near the red planet and referred it as
Explosion in the sky as described by the Romans.
"The Lord Of War". Later We got to know that there was actually a war on mars between two alien races. It was so intense that it exhausted the planet as the bomb dropped out there was 4 billion times more powerful than , the one dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bomb erased each and every life form on Mars making the planet dead. but however few survived. 
Photograph of  a creature creeping over the rocks.
After the first mars probe reached there it sent a photograph on Earth of  Mars , which was a great achievement , but later they realized that something extraordinary was present in the photograph. There was a creature creeping over the rocks.Some type of creature that hid below
a rock and stretched it's right arm forward. In an action of creeping. The photograph given above is a strong evidence of my words.

We can say that in today we can easily inhabit Mars as a place to live.