Saturday 28 November 2015

The Creators & The Owners Of The Universe - Part I

Well , If you ask a someone - "Do Alien Exist ?" , You would be expecting them to reply "Are You Out Of Your Mind ?"

Whereas some believe they exist some don't , It's all in people's perspective. But if you see this agenda from the universe's perspective you would be more than 

100 %  sure one might be in your neighborhood !

We all know Life On Earth started by some godly particles (undefined) , which initiated by some other particles burst out from a nearby star. The matter of fact is that , if this theory is authentic , then the first question which should arise is that "Why only Earth?" , and what if it's not only Earth but other planet(s) too which got affected by this life giving particle....  

Like some people , I also believe the Earth which we live was already destined to be like this. the blueprint was already created and the universe was someone's greatest architecture.But we can't ignore the fact that gods don't exist. Even Science believes there is some kind of Energy out there in the universe which binds a force field and gives everyone a purpose to exist , not only a purpose but also it makes LIFE , and once someone has fulfilled the purpose , then the the energy gives him a new purpose to serve , in a new body , Often called the cradle of Life & Death .

                      THE HIDDEN BUT VISIBLE TRUTH  

If we take the example of Earth , it is from the exact distance from the Sun for survivable conditions like - 

  • Water (which isn't frozen nor boiling)
  • Temperature (enough for animals & plants to sustain)
  • Ozone Layer (Trapping Sun's Heat & protecting from it's rays)
  • Oxygen And Other Gasses (Forms Atmosphere)
  • Etc...
    THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON                                                 WATER                                                 

Not only this but you can see all day to day examples which you are blinded by.

The Moon - We only see one of it , as the rotation and revolution of Earth and Moon are Synced together. No one has ever discovered what lies on The Dark Side Of The Moon. Which provokes a little bit of curiosity in a corner of everyone's mind.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Black Holes : Unleashed By Me - Part II - The Event Horizon.

As you know I have written my blog on blackhole.This is the second part of that blog , and in this part II , I will discuss about the event horizon . Last time I have explained about what would happen if you enter one and how it is formed , But in this part I am going to explain about the event horizon and it's influences.

figure 1
The Event horizon is a place near a blackhole from where nothing escapes , not even light.

I know whats crawling into your mind - What would the event horizon be like? Well it's nothing complicated , The blackhole is spherical , and it's the upper part of that sphere
(refer to figure 1).

For your ease of understanding I give you a case.
You are in a spaceship and with you is  A  is going to jump in a blackhole. 
You are sitting in the spaceship and see that A is approaching to the hole very fast , but  A will feel himself at normal speed , as time & space stops when it get past the hole. Now Slowly A has approached the event horizon , now B will see A stopped as if frozen in space. In time B will see that the light coming out of A's body dissapearing and now B will see a red shift in A's body , after sometime he fades away in B 's site , but A dosen't feel it , it seems him that he is going further and further until he reaches the blackhole and now after hours he will find himself stretched and going inside the blackhole , well scientist don't call that stuff - stretch , they call it Spaghttification.Unfortunately all the atoms of  A will be ripped apart violating the laws of physics.No one till date knows what happens after this , maybe your atoms will be seen in another part of universe or it will be exiting from the whitehole and joining in the makeover of another universe. 

For your better understanding I am presenting this video clip.


Saturday 11 October 2014

Mars : Home to the Extraterrestrial ?

Mars is the, the 4th planet from the sun,second smallest planet in the solar system and the world's largest volcano is situated here (Olympus Mon).It had an magnetosphere (it's  atmosphere) but lost it 4 billion years before .

We all know a lot about Mars , but there are some mysteries which is due to be exposed. today I would unravel few of them.

It is believed that few life forms live on the red planet known as "Martians." Some scientists believe we too are martians, he claimed that an asteroid possibly has brought life on Earth (click here for more info on the above topic). But the topic is how did martians vanished , did a meteor wash them away or some sort of attack from another planet ? Let's see the main cause of vanishing of the martians.

 Long back ago , the roman mentioned in their inscription that they have saw a very bright light near the red planet and referred it as
Explosion in the sky as described by the Romans.
"The Lord Of War". Later We got to know that there was actually a war on mars between two alien races. It was so intense that it exhausted the planet as the bomb dropped out there was 4 billion times more powerful than , the one dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bomb erased each and every life form on Mars making the planet dead. but however few survived. 
Photograph of  a creature creeping over the rocks.
After the first mars probe reached there it sent a photograph on Earth of  Mars , which was a great achievement , but later they realized that something extraordinary was present in the photograph. There was a creature creeping over the rocks.Some type of creature that hid below
a rock and stretched it's right arm forward. In an action of creeping. The photograph given above is a strong evidence of my words.

We can say that in today we can easily inhabit Mars as a place to live.   


Friday 6 June 2014

Space Time : The Lurking Riddle

           Space Time : The Lurking Riddle 

Space Time , one of the unsolved riddle still lurking the humankind , but the question is , what happens when we dig deep into this topic ,the more you dig , the more you discover and the more it stretches . You would have been wondering what time actually is , well let me make you clear , time is nothing but a force which is responsible for each and every actions in our surroundings.
 We have to leave time behind us , to gain full control and power over time , and make the nightmare a sweet dream , in fact not only  a dream but also a reality .        

Here I am giving some possible explanation about how we can break into space time:-

1.At first we would have to chase speed of light ( On which we have to do many homework ) And we have to give all it takes for chasing the light speed .

  • As you know that , one light years equals to roughly 6 trillion miles , then just imagine travelling the same speed within a second .

  • The other way to travel in time is the blackhole.the blackhole ends into a white hole , and the space between them is called wormhole which bends time and space  , making travelling between time easy.
" We have to clear some important topics before moving further and time is one of them."

Sunday 1 June 2014

Parallel Universe : Watch Out !

Imagine of a future where we are not alone were there are hundreds and countless of universe and when finally our earths turns into dark , cold , wasteland then we will escape into one of these and we will start our new beginning.  
    Parallel Universe , one of the most amazing places in the universe  , but ever do you wonder why are the dimensions made and how it
       Parallel universe are mainly dimensions or universe parallel to us. There are two types of world , The macroscopic and the Subatomic , we the humans live in macroscopic. 

As you know the space is flat due to the big bang , because the big bang   released matters uniformly ,thus  universe is flat , so its the most deep evidence of the existence of the dimension .
 parallel universes are very calm and quiet because know one knew it till date . but now it is in existence and we can start to think of a future in the 11th dimension.

I am mentioning few points by which you would understand the strange dimension with ease :-

1. Just take a transparent bottle and keep any bead inside it you would see the bead floating on the water surface as well as reflection of the bead on the downwards part of the bottle.This is the best way of giving an example of parallel worlds.

2. Try to push the bead inside the bottle , I know you wont be able to do so as the force of water or gasses will try to repulse the matter , same as the universe does.

3. Now try to spin the bottle horizontally  , you will see a tornado developing , (this is normal ) now you will see the bead going inside the tornado , as you add few negative energy the path will expand thus , guiding the bead to the end surface of the water , we have to do something similar to enter those worlds . 

" Our future is arriving shortly , bringing 
          some of the most exotic gifts of Gods.''
                                                             - Nilay Rai (me)


 1.Parallel universe (Michio Kaku)
 2.Physics of the impossible (Michio Kaku)

Saturday 10 May 2014

Black Holes : Unleashed By Me !

Black Holes , One of the most daring places in our universe , it is a black spot in the universe circling with almost the speed of light.
As it is black it mixes with it's surrounding , thus very hard for us 
to spot one .
 Black Holes form when stars dies other than the supernovae explosion , during the death of star it uses all it's fuel to light itself up and thus iron cluster start to form inside the star , which splits the star in two to escape from it's middle , as an attempt the star's gravity tries to stop it , but it dosen't , so the gravity applies more power and then it sucks the iron cluster as well as the star , creating singularity.

In the center of our milky way there are many black holes , but the nearest black hole is , v4641 sgr , roughly 1600 light years away , and one light year equals to 6 trillion miles . 
There are many theories based on this topic and today I will discuss few. 

First let us take two characters character A  and character B

 A and B are going near to a black hole , B gets out from the shuttle and goes near to the hole as B sits in the shuttle.There are three things which can mainly happen to A

  1. All his atom would be torn apart due to the gravitational force . As the gravitational force contracts the matter to a point where the matter loses all it's atom.

    2. If  he would get inside safely he be able to travel in time , due to      the light speed present inside it . As the speed of light allows            you  to travel in time. But He wont be able to do that because          before doing that he would be influenced by that atom theory          (given above) .

  3.   B would see him stopped , but A would experience himself               travelling  with a great speed , because both space time (Click   Here to Read My Blog on Space Time.) and space stops when it approaches the hole. 

These are only few theories . But in real , scientists believe that these black hole end into a white hole which is gathering matters for creating a new world which is completely unknown to us.

It is also said that if any matter gets into black hole it would probably get out of an white  hole.



Tuesday 6 May 2014

The End Of Everything

  The final day of reckoning or Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods will be accompanied by cataclysmic upheavals.Midgard (middle Earth) as well as the heavens will be caught in the vise like grip of a bone chilling frost,the men and the women perish helplessly in a great number.Three such Winters will paralyse the Earth, without any relief.While the ravenous wolf eat up the sun and moon,plunging the world into total darkness.Stars in the heavens will fall.the Earth will tremble,and the mountains  will
Monsters will Break free, as the god of chaos Loki ,escapes spreading confusion, and discords bleak land .Odin the father of gods will assemble his brave warriors for the last time in Valhalla , for the final conflict .Eventually , as the gods die one by one, the evil god Surtur will breathe fire and brimstone igniting a gigantic inferno that will engulf both heaven and the Earth . As the entire universe is plunged into flames, the Earth sinks into oceans and time itself stops. 
    This is an old Viking mythology, referring to the end of world through frost and fire.    ref.Michio Kaku parallel worlds

But according to me , the Earth wouldn't end up like this , but there are more familiar reasons for the end of the Earth.

 Reasons for the end of Earth According To Me :-

  • Firstly , the Earth is shifting from its axis every year by 2.6 centimetres each year ,  go to > ) this can lead to the end of Earth in many ; As you know the last Halley's comet was seen in 1986 , it will return in 2061,
     till the time 47 years will be passed on Earth , resulting the Earth to move 122.2 almost 1 metre 22 cm , that means after few centuries the earth will collide with football field - sized comet.

  • Secondly the mines people are digging for petroleum coal and other fuels can lead to a huge damage as the Earth in today is penetrated through kilometres and kilometres, as you know world's greatest mine is in South Africa , it's depth is almost 3.9 km , if we do not take serious measures the digging will destroy the Earth , thus making slices of the Earth just like a pizza.   

  • At last , as you know the stars die by expanding itself to a limit, where it starts to develop iron clusters and explodes with a huge bang. 
               The sun will also die the same way , thus expanding 500 times bigger than now and  swallowing much of the planets (including Earth) then it will decrease 100 times smaller than now.Have I told you this will happen 3 trillion years later ?